The SAMOC System is a mobile air defense brigade-level command and control post which provide both capability to command and control legacy post-Soviet SAM launchers (2K11 Krug/SA-4 Ganef, or S-125 Neva/SA-3 Goa etc.) and interoperability with NATO systems.
Basic functions of the SAMOC include:
- planning of air defense cluster and SAM units deployment,
- subordinated units RAP-based fire control,
- threat evaluation and recommendations for optimal weapon assignement,
- real-time monitoring of the combat units status.
SAMOC is a mobile system, installed in containers on basic vehicle, providing:
- power supply,
- air-conditioning, heating, ventilation,
- EMP protection,
- automatic fire and radiation detection.
- SAMOC has four operators’ stations.
Samoc - advantages
- current estimation of air situation
- minimizing the reaction times