C-band pulsed TWT can be used a driver or output tube in advanced radar system and test equipment.
The tubes have a helix slow wave circuit, metal-ceramic vacuum envelope and periodic permanent magnet focusing structure. TWTs are cooled by forced liquid circulation or the heat is discharged by conduction to the base.
L-band pulsed TWTs
L-band pulsed TWT can be used a driver or output tube in advanced radar system and test equipment.
Depending on the type, they use helix, ring and loop or ring and bar slow wave circuit. The tubes have a metal-ceramic vacuum envelope and periodic permanent magnet focusing structure. The heat is discharged by conduction to the base or TWTs are cooled by forced liquid and/or air circulation.
S-band pulsed TWTs
S-band pulsed TWT can be used a driver or output tube in advanced radar system and test equipment. Depending on the type, they use helix, ring and loop or ring and bar slow wave circuit. The tubes have a metal-ceramic vacuum envelope and periodic permanent magnet focusing structure. TWTs are cooled by forced liquid circulation or the heat is discharged by conduction to the base.
Continuous Wave TWTs
Wroclaw Division of PIT-RADWAR S.A. produces four types of CW TWTs:
- L22C -L-band
- S401C - S-band
- C52C - C-band
- LO-500 - C-band
CW TWT can be used as as a driver for high power traveling wave tubes or as an output tube in test equipment. The tubes have a helix slow wave circuit, metal-ceramic vacuum envelope and periodic permanent magnet focusing structure. The heat is discharged by conduction to the base.