PIT-RADWAR S.A. – NSPA agreement on AGS support
On March 10, 2025, PIT-RADWAR S.A. signed an agreement with the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) for the service and maintenance of the NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS) CSOP. The value of the agreement is EUR 7.4 million.
The agreement provides for the maintenance and operation of the system for 3 years, until the end of February 2028. As part of the maintenance activities, the contractor will perform the maintenance of the infrastructure at the Joint Force Training Centre (JFTC) in Bydgoszcz, Poland and at the Forward Operating Base in Sigonella, Italy.
According to the agreement, the PIT-RADWAR S.A. team will be able to participate in official international NATO exercises, such as Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exercise, Examination, Experimentation, Exploration (CWIX) organized in the form of interoperability workshops by the Supreme Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk, USA. The exercises are part of the process of achieving command and control capabilities (C2) in NATO and the Polish Ministry of National Defense. These will take place in June 2025 at JFTC in Bydgoszcz.
The agreement is a continuation of the contract of October 17, 2017 concluded by PIT RADWAR S.A. with the NATO AGS Management Agency (NAGSMA) for the implementation of the NATO AGS Core Software-Only Pack (CSOP) system. Under this agreement, PIT-RADWAR S.A. was responsible for the project and access for national users (program participants and associated countries) to data obtained under the NATO AGS program.
AGS is a custom-made system procured, collective owned and operated by NATO for all 32 Allies and contributes to a range of missions such as protection of ground troops and civilian populations, border control and maritime safety, the fight against terrorism, crisis management and humanitarian assistance in natural disasters.
As AGS System Manager, NSPA manages and coordinates the programme on behalf of the 32 NATO nations. The core supporting team for the AGS is based at the NSPA headquarters in Luxembourg, but many elements provide support from the AGS Main Operating Base in Sigonella (Italy). NSPA provides this support to participating nations through its AGS Support Partnership.
About NSPA
NSPA is NATO’s lead organisation for multinational acquisition, support, and sustainment in all domains. The Agency links industry and nations to find the most cost-effective and efficient solutions, whether for national or collective defense. NSPA is headquartered in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, with main operational centres in France, Hungary and Italy. The Agency employs over 1,500 staff and oversees more than 500 contractors worldwide.